Mayor Matt Mahan | Official website of City of San Jose
Mayor Matt Mahan | Official website of City of San Jose
The City of San José has announced its intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Columbus Park Project, identified as File No. ER20-025. The project involves the demolition of existing park facilities and recreational equipment to construct new amenities including two soccer fields, lawn practice areas, a kids’ soccer area, a play area, four pickleball courts, one futsal/pickleball/basketball court, and two horseshoe pitches. Additional features include a picnic area, restrooms, pedestrian paseo, gravel surface parking lots, a maintenance building, and a storage shed. The redevelopment will also result in the removal of 105 trees and the planting of 133 new 24-inch box trees.
The project site is located at the existing Columbus Park site in San José, bounded by Asbury Street to the north, West Taylor Street to the south, Irene Street to the east, and Walnut Street to the west.
An environmental review conducted by the City examined potential adverse effects on the environment from this project. Based on this review, it was determined that with mitigation measures in place, any significant impacts would be reduced to less than significant levels. Consequently, an MND has been prepared.
Public comments on the Draft MND are invited from July 16 through August 5, 2024. The Draft MND and related documents can be accessed online at or reviewed by appointment at several locations including City Hall’s Department of Planning or local libraries.
For further information or appointment requests for document review during normal business hours at City Hall or specified libraries contact Bethelhem Telahun at (408) 535-5624 or via email at