SJFD's Firefighter Mark Garcia has shared crucial information on maintaining safety in swimming pools this summer. "Water activities are a great way to stay cool and enjoy time with your friends and family," he noted. However, he cautioned that if not careful, these activities could result in serious injuries or even drowning.
The City of San José has released a public review draft for the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) concerning the proposed Silverado Memory Care Community Project. The development, planned for the northeastern corner of Union Avenue and Cambrianna Drive, involves constructing a two-story memory care residential facility.
U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) was joined by 201 other House Democrats in unanimously voting against the Equal Representation Act, which would prevent the inclusion of illegal aliens in the count for seats in the Electoral College.
The City of San José has been awarded an $8.5 million grant to implement a speed safety camera project. The federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program is providing the funds, which will be used to acquire, test, and study vehicle speed-detection and citation technology over a five-year period. San José is one of six California cities permitted to pilot the cameras under Assembly Bill 645 (Friedman), passed in 2023.
The head of a California health care reform group said that copay accumulators are blocking patients from getting discounts on their prescription drugs.
Small business owners and entrepreneurs in San José will have the opportunity to connect and learn about resources and tools to help their businesses thrive at an upcoming event. The Small Business Empowerment Day, scheduled for Monday, May 20, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., will take place at the San José City Hall Rotunda located at 200 E. Santa Clara Street.